When I first got to the house I was informed by Theo that I had to find the candy he bought me. I searched high and low for about .025 seconds when I spotted an orange box across the room. Reese's pieces, these must be for me. I went straight for it without thinking, "I should probably act like I don't see it." You know, like you do when you play hide-n-seek with a little kid and they are trying to hide behind that tree right
After dinner we cleared the table and played Balderdash like the good old days. This would be when Theo announced that he was almost ten. He came to ask if he could play and I being the punk that I am, told him he could not play because the box clearly states 10 and up. He says, "I'm almost 10!" But I believe that a part of him secretly realized that this was not true because he didn't huff and puff, he just got quiet.
The pictures you are seeing of Mom and Tommy are ones I took while we were getting ready to play Balderdash. They were so cute together! Mom would make a noise or a face and then Tommy would copy.
Balderdash got pretty good, but not as good as it gets when Matt is playing with us. I feel a game coming on while we're in Utah for Martha's wedding! Then we went outside to play! Jacob likes to do this thing where he takes his bike into the utility room and closes the door. Then he opens the door and announces that the fire engine is coming and then he rides his bike out. It seems easy enough, but there is a drop to the patio, then a drop from the patio to the ground. Jacob can handle himself, plus he's got a bike that can better handle itself. Tommy, does not...what Tommy has is not what I would call a bike...more like a trike. However, Tommy doesn't think about that, he sees what Jacob is doing and wants to do it too. Luckily this is when Aunt Jessica walks up to the scene. Tommy trying to lug his trike up onto the back patio/porch. I told him it wasn't a good idea, but he insisted, so I insisted on being right there in his face ready to catch him (I'm such a good aunt (said like Gretchen Wieners in "Mean Girls")). Then I convinced him that riding down the Donbrosky speedway (AKA the D.S.) would be more fun.
Even then he almost toppled over. The kid is accident prone. After successfully convincing Tommy to race down the D.S. I convinced Bryan to do so. Sure he's a little big for the bike, but that's never stopped Kathryn before. I think she's gone down on every sized bike, of course, she is shorter and can actually be on the bike as it moves...details.
After hanging out with my folks I went home and Roommate Anne had made a roommate Easter cake. The girl is so flipping creative. Each of the peeps represents someone from the house. I am
the blue peep because I have an unnatural affinity to blue food. Anne is the brown (or chocolate) peep at the top with the bikini, she's brown because she has an aversion to colored food (especially blue)...in a way we have a very symbiotic relationship, I'll eat her blue food and she'll eat my chocolate.
Overall I'd give this Easter an 8.5 on the fun scale. I'd give it higher but White Chocolate Reese's' Eggs didn't make it into my basket so it's got a 1 failing right there, and a .5 failing for having to chase after my mom's dog, Nikita(yeah, like Le Femme). Which led to having to pretend I heard what her neighbors yelled out to me. I don't like strangers, I don't ask them to repeat themselves. I wave, smile and if I deem appropriate, I nod. Therefore another .5 points shaved off the top.
Dude, I love you. Glad I got to spend time with you this weekend, and, I'm glad that you love my kids and dig playing with them...all the hallmarks of a good Aunt.
Mmm, peanut butter eggs :)
What did the neighbors yell at you? The missing piece of this blog
Martha: To my everlasting shame...I never found out.
P.S. I have been looking all over for white chocolate peanut butter eggs and can't find even a hint that they ever existed!!!! Curse the candy making people who don't produce this stuff in mass!!!
Note to readers: If you find any white chocolate peanut butter eggs please send them my way. Thank you so much.
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