The first pancake! Given to me in honor of my birthday.
And some board games. Then I was able to rest for a little while until Ryan got off work and we went to O'Charly's for dinner. I was so excited for the rolls, fries, and chicken tenders but by the time I made it through the fries I was stuffed/not feeling well. So I got the chicken to go and we went back to the house to hang out with Kami and open presents.
One of these things is not like the other...that's my umbrella to the left, I've had it for years. Kami noticed that they matched and I brought it up to Ryan and he said it's why he bought the wrapping paper. I believe him too, he's the type who notices these kind of details and likes to link them.
P.S. up in the corner you can see a red vase, Amber sent me the most beautiful flowers. I've never had flowers sent to me before.
Before I could open gifts though I insisted on having cake first (not because I'm a brat who was like, "where's my cake!?" but because Kami had made me one and birthday cake comes before the presents).
Here's the birthday crew:
The cake had an accident though - the icing stuck to the lid of the pan. I thought it was fabulous!
My little bald cake!
After I blew out the candles, Ryan tried to fix the icing.
I ate a piece, but again, not feeling well, so it was a small piece.
Sunday was not a good day health wise, that's when I went to patient first. I didn't eat breakfast but I tried to eat some dinner at Joanna's (Ryan had to finish off my plate cause I couldn't do it).
Joanna made the most incredible cake - as she always does (Batman, Spiderman, a well, Captain America) and now...
X-Men!! It was so much better than I had even anticipated!! So even though I didn't eat dinner - I made sure to have some cake.
I didn't really eat two pieces, I think I was trying to make Tommy nervous. Before dinner he kept talking about the cake and his mom, Joanna, said, "What if Aunt Jess wants to just take the whole cake with her because she's not feeling well?" and he seemed a bit sad about this. He said the prayer for dinner and he said, "Please bless that we can all have a piece of cake." How can you say 'no' to that!? I ate the cake and as with most food for the next couple of days, regretted it. Luckily, Jo gave me a huge slice (the 29) to freeze for later, so when I was feeling better I chowed down!
All things considered I think this year was a win. A good start to being my favorite number (ahem - 29 is my favorite number) for 365 days!
P.S. Do YOU have a favorite number? My b.i.l. thought that was weird.
I am glad you loved the flowers. And I am super happy they made the post. Although, I have to admit-I am way depressed that your best friend doesn't make the photo collage =(
Its okay. I'll get over it! Happy Birfday!
That is a classic cake moment. I am amazed that you were able to do all those birthday celebrations while not feeling well. You are the better person and the older person....couldn't resist!
Poor Tommy, praying that everyone gets a piece of cake. Love it.
PS I did not get a cake this year. But! I did get a cupcake, a Salted Caramel cupcake from Sweet Tooth Fairy. It was no Wolverine, but it was tasty.
Sorry Amber :( All the pictures were only from as far back as the fall.
Nice one G :P
What day was your birthday? Lydia's is the 29th. And that was a rockin' Wolverine cake. Sounds like a fun birthday...even though weren't feeling great for all of it.
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