Monday, January 19, 2015

1, 2, C

First off - I forgot to blog and tell you all that we are having a boy!  We kind of expected it because our doctor and the benefits lady at his office, kept saying "him".  Then there was the fact that our whole family guessed it would be a boy, and of course, we had lots of girl clothes and a girl name picked out.

Here's a video of Ava, Sadie, and Olivia's reaction when Joanna told them the news:

The ultrasound was just as fun as the first time, a little less emotional but not much.  Seeing out little baby moving around is pretty cool.  At one point he was looking right up at us (probably sensing the pressure as the tech pushed down to get a better view).

So now I pack up the girly stuff I had kept out of the attic and pull out the boy stuff.  And there's a nursery to plan, nothing too crazy, maybe just a few little Doctor Who goodies.

Now that I've seen him move it's gotten easier to recognize when I feel him move...and he's gone crazy now.  It's weird.  At church he moves the most when we are singing hymns, I don't know if that's because he likes it or if he'd like us to stop,

Speaking of obsessions - my sister, Joanna, made me a Tardis cake for my birthday.

To say I was excited/proud would be an understatement. I also got a nice little video from my sister/niece Martha/Sadie.  

And here is my 20 week belly shot (p.s. I hate doing belly shots).

That's about it on the updates.

1 comment:

Ash said...

yay a boy!!!! And I'm dancing around right now just like those little girls :) so cute!


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