Sunday, July 14, 2013

Of course I love bananas, I'm a monkey! Don't be ridiculous!*

Blog Bucks: Congratulations to G-Sauce, Murbaton, and Sarah! I love Indiana Jones too!

January - 4

February - 3

March - 4

April -2

May - 2 (+1)

June - 4

Total = 20

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
Can I tell you how incredibly happy I was when I finally finished this book!?  I was incredibly happy!  I really thought that my trip to Utah would be long enough for me to finish a few books (two at least) - but when Atlas Shrugged is one of them, I guess that isn't an option.  I enjoyed this book, I saw some similarities to our day.  I wouldn't recommend this to someone who is looking for a light read, it is heavy, it is thick, and it is full of Ayn Rand's philosophy.  If you're ready for that challenge - have at it, I doubt you'll be disappointed, if not, move on to something else.  Oh - and I bought 5 books for under $30 the DAY I finished the book.  Hallelujah!

Dad Is Fat by Jim Gaffigan
So Comedians definitely make you laugh harder when you can hear their voice and inflection...and see their facial expressions.  I over all liked the book (3 stars on Goodreads) but I struggled through parts.  I am pretty certain that parents will find this book hilarious though because the parts I laughed hardest at were the parts where I related and was able to think about my nieces or nephews and how they behave.  I'm loaning it out to my sister (mother of 4) to see what she thinks.

The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams
Chilling.  This story follows a thirteen year old girl who has grown up in a polygamist community.   There are strict rules that she can't read, can't talk to outsiders, and she can't choose for herself who she can love.  When she is told that she has been chosen to marry her 60+ year old uncle, her family tries to get the decision changed, but they are afraid to disobey "the prophet'.  So she must find her own way.  I think this book was well written and has a prospective into a world that most of us do not know or understand.

Masque of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin

Uh - I loved this book.  I think the writer did a great job addressing her audience (teens...and me).  From what I have been learning about YA Fiction, the adults came across as helpless (either because of grief or fear of the Prince), the main character has to work through her own grief but also is charged with helping to save the city.  It was a good read, the writing was smooth and transitioned well and I don't recall any lulls.  I basically read this one in a day (I didn't intend to - but I couldn't put it down and was taking a "me" day anyway).  Can't wait to get and read the sequel. 


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