Our company blowing up the competition
The Grinch (I totally see it)
The Scare-osel. It actually spun
The Scare-osel. It actually spun
The Worst Claim Ever!
Friday afternoon I went up to someone's desk to ask them a question and while I was talking he randomly started to make a kissey face...I was confused, but kept talking. I don't think he meant it in a creepy way at all, otherwise I would have come up with an excuse to get out of there quickly. I mean, we all have our moments where we do something and realize that we are doing it. Maybe it's his thinking face...I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, just struck me as odd.
Friday afternoon I went up to someone's desk to ask them a question and while I was talking he randomly started to make a kissey face...I was confused, but kept talking. I don't think he meant it in a creepy way at all, otherwise I would have come up with an excuse to get out of there quickly. I mean, we all have our moments where we do something and realize that we are doing it. Maybe it's his thinking face...I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, just struck me as odd.
Another thing, last Thursday at basketball I got hit in the face with the back of my friend, Jaron's head. The hardest spot possible on his head met the bottom of my right eye. Black eye would have been cool. Instead I look like I smeared green eye shadow on my cheek. I know people notice, several people have asked what happened. Most people at work do not, but it's there. Today one of the ladies finally noticed and the other lady with her said, "I noticed on Monday but didn't say anything." I said, "Thanks for noticing the warning signs, but not doing anything." She said that she figured it was basketball...and it was. So now I know for sure people can see it.
I think that's all the really weird stuff that happened to me this week. Sorry I couldn't be more interesting. When I get a chance I'll post the video's of the pumpkin bomb (featured above) and the scar-osel. Until then...see ya.