Monday, March 10, 2014

We're too excited to sleep!*

In just a few days I will marry my best friend (aka Chewy) for time and all eternity. 

It's funny to think that he was right in front of me the whole time.  For those of you just joining us, Chewy's brother is married to my sister, they've been married for I think 12 years this month.  So when I say he was right in front of me, it's no joke.  I remember hanging out at my sister's house and he would be there and I would be afraid to say anything because I wanted to be funny but was nervous I wouldn't be. He's funny people, it's intimidating.

Years ago I had a huge crush on Chewy....and when I say crush I think it's important to remember that this was during my phase where I found it impossible to speak to a guy I liked.  I would just hang out on the sidelines while my sister talked to him and tried not to seem too creepy.  Over the last few years our relationship statuses (is that the right way to say it?) have varied and timing just wasn't right.  Then back in July things finally aligned and I haven't looked back since.  It's hard to believe that we haven't always been together and sometimes one or the other of us will have one of those weird moments when we do remember. 

On Saturday, we moved the bulk of Chewy's stuff to the house.  We worked well together getting everything set up and I'm sure I can speak for both of us that we had no problem falling asleep Saturday night! It was a lot of work and there's still a little cleaning to do, but overall I think the hardest part of it is over. 

On our last trip to his house, his nephews were crawling all over the truck.  At one point, Chase (newly four years old) sat down to work on his knot tying skills he was showing me.  He sat cross legged and so I did too.  He looked over at me and said, "You can cris cross applesauce too?"

Me: Yeah, I sat this way when I was a kid.  We called it something else back then.

Chase: Oh. Can you tell me?

Me: Um, Yeah. It was 'Indian Style'.  I'm not sure that's really P.C.

Chewy (walking by): No.

Chase: No. It's not P.C.

Then later his brother and sister-in-law were talking to us while we all stood around the truck.  They were talking to Chewy about how he wasn't allowed to work on the honeymoon.  His SIL said, "Chewy, the place won't fall apart without you." and Chase said, "No, mom, it will."

That little boy is after Chewy's heart.

1 comment:

G Sauce said...

Really, criss cross applesauce? Can't it just be criss cross? Why applesauce? It this the orchard industry (does not exist) trying to get us to eat more apples and applesauce? It's a trick...don't do it! RUNNNN


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