Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mommy WOW! I'm a big kid now!

Today I signed up (with the gentle prodding of G) for a class called "Contacting Agents and Publishers". Yeah...that's right. We're preparing for the step you do once you've finished writing a book, because apparently G thinks I'm close enough to having a full novel...either that or she is just a lover of learning everything.

So G gave me all the information necessary and even said that she would do the class with me. So I called the number and got us signed up. First I made sure it wasn't too late to sign up because there is nothing quite like going off and trying to get something only to find out that you no longer can. When I asked if the class was still available there was nothing, complete and utter silence. No, "hold on one moment" or "let me see" or even an "OK"...just silence. So I sat there resisting the urge to say, "hello?" because I knew he had to still be there, he just had to be. Finally he comes back and tells me it's still available so I ask him if there is a processing fee or not because the website thingy had said that a phone in registration received one week prior to the class beginning does not incur the registration fee. I don't know, it doesn't flow well. So he says, "Let me put you on hold for a moment." and rather than receiving sweet vibrations to my ear I hear silence, and then a strange beep like the phone used to do if you had call waiting (it may still do that but it's been a while since I've heard it). It continued to do this for several minutes and I think I preferred the awkward silence.

Finally he came back on the line and we began the registration process. I signed up G at the same time and when he asked me for my address I realized that I don't know G's I pretended she was my roommate.

Anyway, so I'm all signed up now, kind of excited though I'm not so sure how useful it will be. Hopefully it is because I'm taking 2 hours out of my life for it, and of course, dropping money on it as well.

Thanks G for letting me know about the class and for taking it with me...and for believing in me just enough to have thought of me when you saw the class.

The class is next Tuesday, so I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

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