Friday, February 6, 2009


On the Clever girl blog I signed up for the ABC game and was assigned the letter 'H'. What I am supposed to do with this is to write about ten things that I love that start with the letter 'H'. This should keep me busy for a while.

1 Halloween - It's my most favorite "holiday" and I'm not even quite sure why. Maybe it's the smell of fall in the air, the creativity bursting at the seams, the loads and loads of free candy. But it can't just be that because I don't get free candy anymore in fact I am now required to give it out, but I still dress up and that's got to count for something! There's just something about Halloween that brings sheer joy to my soul.

2 Hats comma baseball (on guys) - I could have just left it as hats, but what if the hat is fugly? I wouldn't so much love it on the guy. Baseball hats barely ever go wrong. I have a neighbor (in a way) who lives behind me and to the right. I cannot see his face so well but he is hot. How do I know this? He wears a baseball hat. I see him sometimes when I am standing on the back porch with my dog and he comes out to his car looking oh so good in his baseball hat. I told my roommate about him, told her that he is probably super hideous but with support of the distance and the hat I am in love. Oh, and he could be horrendously old as well, but I can't tell. I just have a weakness for them, guys look 79% better when wearing a hat. It's attractive, I'm going to stop talking about it and just show you my "celebrity" baseball hat wearing crush.
Exhibit A: Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs

Yeah, sure he hangs out in sewers, pig farms, poo pot plants. But he is incredible, and if his name started with an "h" he would have been his own number.

3 House M.D. (Hugh Laurie...ha! Two!!) It's like getting double letters in Scattergories!! I haven't really watched the show in a while, but he is my favorite television doctor by a landslide (with the exception of Doogie Howser of course). Super smart, handsome, the father of Stuart Little, tells it like it is, and musically talented.

4 Horoscopes - I may not believe them, I may not read them for months at a time. However, sometimes it's fun to just check them out. I also like the things that describe what you should be like if you are a certain sign and it's amazing how close they can get! Which makes me wonder, are all Capricorns alike?? If that is the case are there only 12 types of people? One for each Zodiac sign?? Or are there 24 since the people who fall on the lines sometimes are a mix between their two signs. I mean, seriously, horoscopes could occupy me for hours if I let them.

5 Hairspray (the movie) - I wasn't raised on musicals, I don't have a strong desire to watch musicals, Mama Mia was a disappointment at best. I had no intention of watching Hairspray when it came out and I held out for quite some time. I finally did see it (don't remember how or why) but I actually like it a lot. It was the first time that I saw Zac Efron too (remember, not a musicals kind of gal so High School Musical was not something I had seen (and still haven't despite Evan having me watch 2 and 3). Therefore it was "Zac without a 'k' who?" I must admit I like him with the darker hair...but he's not what is being talked about here, it's the movie. Amazing cast, John Travolta as an obese agoraphobic, Michelle Pfieffer (as the bad person yet again!), Christopher Walkin, and James Marsden. There was no way I couldn't like it.

6 Hamburgers - especially on the grill. I'm not even hungry at the moment but my mouth is still watering.

7 Hugh Jackman...For oh so many reasons, X-men, Prestige, raging self confidence (look at the video from below...I mean, seriously if that's not apparent from his wardrobe then hit 'play' watch the rest). Did I mention incredibly talented? Cause I meant to.

8 The Hokey Pokey - It really is what it's all about.

9 Hearts (of the Brach's persuasion) - yes, I'm a technically these start with a "C" but they are always hearts and since V-day is coming up I think you should let me have this one. Thanks!

10 Hot Hot Heat - they're a good band, I like their I love them? Not quite sure if I am ready to be that committed but I am ready to be done with this. So...they are the only band I could think of that start with 'H'...therefore for the sake of this blog, yes, I love them.

That's it folks. If you are incredibly bored or just think this kind of stuff is fun, then let me know and I'll share the joy and assign you a letter.


AuntKatween said...

Baseball hats....Jesse from the workout video!!

Lildonbro said...

that's what I'm talking about :) I can't help myself

Martha said...

Ok, assign me a letter. I have nothing better to do.

Julia said...

Seems like that was fun, assign me a letter too.

Lildonbro said...

Turning on the random letter generator (meaning I am closing my eyes and pecking one key):

Martha your letter is: v

Julia your letter is: m

Good luck ladies!


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