Tuesday, August 23, 2011

So it begins* (epic)

Training for the half marathon has begun.

No more laughing no more fun.

If you slow or break your run

You will pay the consequences

(adapted from "Chinese School")

I have been able to pretend that it wasn't really coming. Just something I was still talking about doing. Then Monday hit. Monday was the official start date on training. If I am going to be able to train in time, that was the last possible time to start.

So, I started off "lite" with 3 miles. ...it only gets bigger from here. *GULP*.

Actually, today is two miles - but I have found the second day is always a little harder - even if it is less. But - we have started. I am excited and nervous at the same time. As I was running yesterday I kept thinking, "No one is going to run this one with me" because everyone who said they would hadn't signed up yet. But last night Marissa informed me that she signed up! So I am excited that I will at least have someone who can get me to the right place at the right time to start the race (let's be honest, I have NEVER paid attention to where I need to be on race day - someone always does that for me).

Anyway - wish me luck.


Anonymous said...

That's in Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers at the start of the Battle of Helm's Deep, but it's probably from other places, too?


p.s. I would be a nerd if I were somebody. But I'm not. More's the pity.* (not that I can give points - consider it a bonus opportunity.)
p.p.s. Good luck!

Lildonbro said...

The Scarlet Pimpernel!

Marissa said...

I'm excited to run. I think it will be just what I need to get through this Fall which I'm already struggling with more than I ever expected. And I'm definitely excited to have a running/training buddy.

My training starts on Monday. I figure any running this week is just prep for the real training since it's rather aggressive. Now the hope is to just be home long enough and sleep enough to actually do the training this time.

**Crossing my fingers** and hoping your training goes much better than mine!


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