Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Farely, Farely, Faaaarley.*

Wednesday, Jesse's parents hiked out, so it was just Jesse and me.  We decided to take it easy since we knew we had a ten mile hike lined up for the next day.  We hiked towards the Indian Reservation and explored the falls above the campsite.  There were three waterfalls, so we hiked to the furthest and then made our way back towards the campsite.  ...P.S. something I really loved about the entire Havasupai trip was how friendly everyone was.  Jesse and I talked about it and we think it came down to - it's a 10 mile hike in - we all did it, so we kind of bonded because we knew what each of us went through getting there.  Point being - we met people at each of the falls and it was like we were all already friends.



The girls we met at the first water fall ended up hiking out the last mile and half of Havasupai with us (the last mile and half is the WORST).

This is little Navajo.  It's about a twenty foot drop.  Jesse did it three times. 

Jesse and I walked across the top of it and were taking pictures from there and Jesse was assessing whether or not he would jump.  There were five guys below (four of them well into their late sixties, or seventies) that cleared the area and started to tell Jesse the best spot to jump.  He called down to them, "Did you jump?" and they shook their heads and continued to tell HIM to jump. Once he did they looked at me and I just laughed and shook my head.

Then this couple asked us to take their photo.  So I waited for them to get up on the falls and the dude proposed to the girl! It was pretty cool...and then they jumped (no thanks).  We talked to them for a bit, and to the old guys too.  I tried to get in to the water for a bit, but freaked myself out with thoughts of dry drowning, real drowning, lochness monsters, etc.

Then we went to Havasuapi falls.  This is the natural water park where most people were hanging out.  There were plenty of picnic tables and we ran in to all of our friends.  Jesse jumped from a ledge about 25 feet high - that was fun.

See the guy jumping in the background?

Jesse and I traveled over to a much smaller "fall" and Jesse convinced me to jump.  I thought I would die.  (I'm like a cat thrown into water).  I had to take a breather and close my eyes before jumping.

Then the old guys and the young guy (who we found out was their guide and the old guys were brothers, except for one, from all over the country) came over to join us.  The guide did a flip into the water and the old guy behind him shrugged his shoulders and did a flip too!! I can't even do a flip and they've got a good thirty/thirty five years on me!  I got a picture with them because I thought they were the coolest.

Then I took pictures of them jumping.

Then I talked to the girl who got engaged at the last falls while her boyfriend continued to jump from the 25 foot jump.

Then we went back to the campsite- washed off in the river (p.s. Kami bought me the world's smallest towel....that's a lie, because Jesse told me it was a medium).

Then we ate dinner, stayed up talking about the scary book I read and other things too and turned in for the night.


Martha said...

Three Amigos!

Joanna & Ben said...

Looks like fun Jess!
Three Amigos


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