Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Elevator Conundrum

In our office building we have four elevators. This is an upgrade of two from our last office building. You would think that since there are four elevators you would never have to wait long for one right? Wrong. With this in mind I’ve made some observations about our elevators.

Let me start out by saying that I take the stairs most of the time, but on some occasions have taken the elevator (usually because I’m with someone, when I’m alone I like the stairs). Let’s take the morning elevator ride for instance; we’ll start with this one because it’s the easiest to explain away. You come in on the ground floor and hop on; it stops at the first floor (because there are entrances to the building on the ground and first floor) and picks up a few more people. It goes up and up by each floor dropping off people. If your floor was the last button and therefore you are the last to exit the elevator the elevator doors open and a soothing female voice says, “Going down”. Take the elevator to the ground floor and the same voice says, “Going up”. Normal right? But my question is, there are four elevators, why not just stay where you are? Why does the voice have to say anything? She could just remain quiet and close the doors and take a nap!

Today I was on the elevator, about 9:00 a.m. The rush is over and not many people are out riding the elevators. I came in on the ground floor, got on the elevator and it brought me to the third floor and then said, “Going down”, so I asked the ladies with me why it always says that (one of which I already brought up the whole ordeal with so she was just paying attention to the elevator to see what I was saying). The other said, “All the elevators go back down to the ground floor when they are done.” Simple enough, but why do I still have to wait so long for an elevator when I’m on the ground floor? Is the elevator there but doesn’t want to raise expectations so therefore it sits for a few minutes and then finally decides to open up? It certainly can’t be traveling from a higher floor, and even if it was if all the elevators come to the ground floor then why can’t I ever happen to get one quickly when I need one? Why is it when I take the elevator to the ground floor it says, “Going up”, certainly one of the remaining three elevators could have answered the call of someone on the top floor while this one took me downstairs.

Does anyone else see the insanity in the elevator operation!? I realize there are more important things to let bother my mind, especially with the world around us crumbling, but I have a right to choose what bothers me and dog gone it, I choose the elevators over the economy right now. It’s my right to be ridiculous, like when I questioned why they call it a hunger strike. When the writer’s wouldn’t write it was called a Writer’s Strike. When people don’t eat?? Not a hunger strike my friends, an eating strike, a food strike maybe, but not a hunger strike. Hunger isn’t going on strike, hungry people aren’t going on strike, they are becoming hungry, but they aren’t striking against becoming hungry…yes, more than one person has pointed out how ludicrous this is, but it’s a thought I choose to dwell on and maybe one day with my crazy thoughts I can change the world and make it a better place, where people call things what they really are and elevators don’t try to deceive us into believing they are efficient.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

ha ha ha. I agree with you on the hunger strike. And I think someone should fire your elevators, they sound ridiculous.


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