Monday, October 13, 2008

"Special" Meetings

October has been a month of special meetings at church. The first planned special meeting was conference. Then this coming Sunday we have a special meeting that will be taking place of our stake conference that was planned for November. Then there is another special meeting at the end of the month, but I've been sworn to secrecy so I can't say what it's about. I don't know what this Sunday is about either, but all the stakes in the area are going to have their own "stake conference" on the same day. Our stake just so happens to be having a General Authority coming. Elder Boyd K. Packer (which I'm pretty stoked about because he's been one of my favorites for a long time - I have to point out that it's been for a long time because some of the newer guys are favorites too).

Since as a YSA ward we were going to sing for our Stake Conference we are now given the privilege of singing for this meeting, with Elder Packer there. Yes folks, that means I get prime seating for this meeting, sure I have to make the 30 minute drive at 8:00 which is way too early for me, but it will be worth it.

So yesterday we practiced the hymn we'll be singing. For any of you who have had to sit next to me before when singing was involved you either suffered through my impaired singing (due to being tone deaf) or you couldn't hear me at all because I tend to whisper. So yesterday was interesting as we were divided into Sopranos and Altos (If I'm even spelling any of this right, I know nothing of the musical world). At first I was with the sopranos until I realized that Altos existed, I asked the difference between the two and discovering that altos sing the lower part I switched over, but it turns out Sopranos sing the easy part, they go right along with the tune. So I became a mix, but I sang - not whispered. It was kind of cool, to hear us all singing like that and I know it had more to do with everyone else up there, and not anything to do with me, but it was neat being a part of it.

I'll let you know how next Sunday goes!

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