Thursday, August 11, 2011

Vampire wouldn't tell, Cyborg wouldn't know. *

Years ago my friend taught a lesson in Relief Society (for those of you who are not Mormon, Relief Society is held during the third hour of our church meetings and it is a class of only women. (I will not get into the history just now - but hey, if you want to know, I will). The lessons are a bit different from Sunday School, which sticks strictly to the scriptures. And there are different teachers for each week, It's pretty cool, you should come sometime...unless you are a boy - then we won't let you).

Before I forget why I started this post...

So years ago, my friend gave a lesson. I can't quite remember the exact topic, but I remember a concept that she brought up during the lesson. She stated that she had a "feel good box". It was a small box she had and inside was filled with letters and notes from people where they said something nice about her. She would put all of these things into the box as she received them. Then when she was feeling down she would go to her box and look through some of the nice things that people had said to/about her and they would help to bring her out of her funk.

I remember really liking this idea. There are so many times in our lives where we tend to forget just how amazing we are. There are some of us who constantly forget this. From that moment, I began to collect the little things people would write.

In Relief Society (again - it's pretty cool - come) we have a board with little baby clothespins and then during class a box with strips of paper is sent around, we call these love notes. You can write whatever you want to whomever you want. The nice things is, we're all adults so you won't have anyone writing anything mean and petty. Instead, you take a moment to tell someone they looked nice, or they did a good job teaching or speaking, or just to say you think they are amazing. The whole idea is that everyone will just be sharing the love.

This works well for me, because it provides a way to get new things to put into my "feel good box". The other day I was having a bad day at work. Just cranky, nothing happened. I was e-mailing back and forth with my contact for some educational stuff and not once, but twice she threw in a compliment. Apparently I am "a doll". It reminded me of the "feel good box". It wasn't just the two little compliments that helped change my mood at work, but it certainly helped and they can be found in my "feel good box".

I think everyone should have their own little "feel good box", so when you are feeling lonely or sad or just find yourself in some kind of rut or funk, you have a place you can go where you can remind yourself that this moment won't last. You can be reminded that people love you and why they love you.

I don't often issue challenges or assign homework - but here it goes. I want you to designate a box, a container, a cork board, anything that can hold innumerable "love notes" to be your "feel good box". If you want, you can take a picture of it, do a blog post, and paste the link in the comments so I can come and check it out. it. You won't regret it.


Joanna & Ben said...

That's a good idea. I'm in a funk a lot lately, it would be good to try and not be.

J, K, L, and D said...

I needed this reminder. A feel good box would be just dandy right about now...thanks for the suggestion/reminder.

*17 again.

Gibson Family said...

I need one of these boxes...I think I am going to do it this weekend.

SB said...

that is a cute idea!

G Sauce said...

Sweet! Now I just have to remember to do it!

Amber Lanae- said...

Not to brag or anything! But that board has completely accomplished (and even surpassed) all the hopes I had for it. It's important to tell people you love them-to make them feel special.

I have your notes in the most random spots-but every time I need a 'feel-good' moment they pop up completely unexpected, but so very appreciated.

Vanessa said...

What a neat idea! I should really start one of these because I get into funks often and could use extra reminders! 8)


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