Saturday, May 23, 2009

Well, what if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today.*

Okay, this is supposed to be all about today because this day is forever long and Kathryn will agree feels like more than one day...feels like several days. But it's about time a day off felt like that rather than one work day feeling like a week. But despite my desire to just write today I forgot to write old business first then new business.
Thursday was Kathryn's birthday, so we went to some restaurant that she likes to frequent. She lured me in with the prospect of chicken fingers so I joined the group from her work and went to lunch. Chicken fingers = chicken nuggets and processed chicken was so 15 years ago for me, so I opt for the burger instead. Now have I mentioned this is a Mexican restaurant. I say this so you'll cut them just a little bit of slack . The burger comes up and I go to check and make sure that it has nothing on it and this is what I see.

I'm a little confused because I thought I ordered a burger...not the reconstituted remains from when they cooked the meat for the tacos. The thing isn't even a patty and it looks like someone picked out a chunk of it. If this weren't enough, Natalie (she works with Kathryn and I think she was meant to be my baby sister, but even though the genetics aren't there we call her our sister anyway) points out the bun.

This is the best I could get with my camera for some reason. Point being - it is probably best for your bun to be a consistent color all the way around. That green/gray haze would be mold. So everyone at the table of course is brought up to speed of my situation (one of those people being my mom) so the waiter comes over to ask how everything is and my mom says, "Good except that moldy bun" and then she makes me show the guy. So he apologized and takes it back to get a new bun. As soon as he is gone my mom says, "If it were mine I wouldn't have said anything." Just so you know, I wasn't going to say anything either because I wasn't going to eat the bun, or the whole burger, but when I got a new bun I felt obligated eat everything.

Thursday...done. This morning I woke up at 7:05 and got ready to go run a 5k. I know, it's no 10k or anything, but it's big for me because I didn't train any (despite plans to do so). Only thing you care about is my time, I understand. 32 minutes. I like to shave off a couple of minutes because the timer for the 5k only shows you the time since the race started, but if you weren't the first person across the time is not your real time. Then I walked for a bit too (I'm not taking time off for that, I'm just admitting that I did have to walk a bit). I'm just excited how close I am to a ten minute mile.
To reward myself we went to breakfast at Boychiks and I got this sausage biscuit. Talk about perfection.
Notice the biscuit to sausage ratio. The coverage is amazing. Sometimes you've got to eat some biscuit to get the the patty, but not with this one. The top has a slight buttery taste as well. Not overpowering, but prevalent enough that it tickles your taste buds with goodness.
Oh and Kathryn and I aren't lemon on the cup of water kind of people. So Mike got the pleasant surprise of having three lemons.
So I came home, cleaned myself up, and then went with Kathryn to see Terminator. LOVED it. Still like Star Trek the best out of the "rehashed" movies (X-men origins, Star Trek, Terminator).
Then I came home and went crazy. Baking, cleaning, reading, eating, sleeping. All in excess. OH and a giant spider tried to kill me when I first got out of the shower. I grabbed my towel, had dried an arm off when the spider jumped out, landing on the ground. He was bigger than normal but not the biggest I've seen. I may or may not have screamed a little, but seriously what kind of comacazy spider hangs out in a bath towel!?
Anyway. I made two cakes today, you can read about one of them on my baking blog which is to the right...yup, I have more blogs, because I go crazy sometimes and blog and blog and blog like I'm going to die tomorrow. Then sometimes I don't blog at all. But anyway. I also washed the cover to Chubbs' bed. He likes it. My favorite is when he does this.

It's like the top of his head itches or something. I just love when he does it and today he kept doing it when I patted his bed so I actually got to take a pic or two. Then he passed out...and it didn't take long for me to follow.

I slept from about 7:30 to a little after 9 which is why I am blogging at 11 o'clock on a Saturday night...with that, I'm going to do something different like read or something. Goodnight and Good Luck*.


Joanna & Ben said...

So easy, Groundhog Day.

Joanna & Ben said...

oh, and the on at the end is "Good night and Good Luck", same as the quote. And hey, it's ok that you had a spider in your towel, I had a roach come out of my pants leg when I was pulling them on one day. Gotta love Jacksonville. Hard to say which is worse though. And as your big sister I can't let the 'comacazy' go. It's spelled Kamikaze. I love you, Dude. Nasty dining experience though, by the way, stick with the's what they do.

Lildonbro said...

I knew it didn't look right! Stupid Google gave me the wrong spelling, but it didn't have much to work with.
I threw up in my mouth about the roach being in your pants...
Good job on taking all the point opporuntunities...I'm sure the others will appreciate that :)

Martha said...

All I read was a roach peeing in her pants.

AHHH!!! See you two in 3 days!!

My word verification? cheatrav

Martha said...

Oh, and loving the point hogging! /sarc
What does she do? Refresh her blog page and wait for an update from you? She must not have a life.

Word verification? Unseddi. "I said it and then I unseddit."

SB said...

I agree with the no lemons on your water. Who do those lemons think they are? I avoid lemon water like the plague.


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