Thursday, June 25, 2009

I'm expendable. I'm the guy in the episode who dies to prove how serious the situation is*

I'm a cutter...A hair cutter. I have a problem. It used to be that when I got bored I would rearrange my room, in the old house this worked...not so much where I live now and with the furniture I have acquired. But even before then I switched to hair dying. Well, it would flop between dye my hair or rearrange my room, whatever I felt up to. Using physical strength or just sitting around letting the change occur chemically. Then I flopped between hair dying and hair cutting (this started in college). Lately I haven't wanted to change the color of my hair, and I find that cutting is easy to hide if it turns out poorly. So the other night I got bored...and I cut my hair. I wanted people to notice, cause not a lot of people could tell last time. So I just chopped off a bunch to begin with and then worked on evening it out. You can tell now, but I've also worn it up for the past two days. So today I decided to do my hair and take a picture no matter how hideous it looks. And here is what we have:
I still don't really know how I feel about it.


Donbrosky's said...

I think you look great!!!!

G Sauce said...

galaxy quest.

I likea da hair

Aunt_B said...

It's Galaxy Quest dangit. Does it coun't if I'm second?? LOL

Cute hair cut. :)

SB said...

how do you cut the back? I'd end up with a mullet if I tried to cut my own. I used to do my own side sweep "swishy bangs", and then I decided to marry into a family that has a professional. My future MIL is a hair cutter lady, whatever the professional term is, and I think she'd kill me if I still cut my own swishy bangs. Kudos to you!

SB said...

So the quote from my blog would be from the TV Show Greek. It's on ABC family. Very funny show. I think I like it because it reminds me of all the drama in college from my sorority!


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