Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ring, ring! Who's there? Destiny? I've been expecting your call. * (15 points for sheer awesomeness)

I told myself a long time ago that I would post a special post when I reached 20 followers. Today is that day folks, a day I've waited for since I hit 12 followers. It's been a long wait, but it certainly has been worth it.

Actually I have no idea how long it has been since I told myself I would write when I hit 20. I honestly expected it to take just a little longer, but we're here. The next milestone will just be 25 cause I don't expect to just blossom all of a sudden. Though I love the fact that 4 of my followers are people I have never met in real life. I read their blogs...but I don't really know them. I appreciate them greatly. In fact I think my only avid reader/commenter is Sarie Lou. That's right, you get a shout out.

I would also like to thank my friends and family who comprise the remaining 16 followers. Without your support I would have never had the motivation to continue writing. And to number 20, Natalie, thanks for helping the dream to finally come true. I wanted to be generous and give everyone 20 Blog Bucks just for following (the twenty being because 20 followers). But that would break the BBB (Blog Bucks Bank), so rather it's going to be like a mail in rebate. You leave a comment and I'll give you 20 BBs. If all 20 followers comment, I'll give everyone another 10 (as you can imagine I don't expect all 20 to leave a comment...muhahaha).

Now I have to start thinking of what I will do when I hit 25.


SB said...


SB said...

And thanks for the shout out! I love reading your blog and the movie quotes are an added bonus. I am almost as obsessed with movie quotes as you are ;)

Aunt_B said...

Congrats on reaching 20 followers!! I'm proud to one of the 4 who don't personally know ya!! I suck maj butt on the movie quotes thingys and I hope to guess one someday...something to strive for I suppose!!

Now..where's my money!?!?

Joanna & Ben said...

Ok, I totally knew the title but little Cindy lou who or whoever stole my thunder...no hard feelings. So like, I totally expect those points due to being one of your minions...I can't stand that someone is ahead of me in points...Love ya, Sis. Oh, and can't wait till you come to visit, you have to bring the Baxter, Ben needs to see it, he hates awkward stuff.

Martha said...

The Baxter! Awkward! Lars and the Real Girl? Even more awkward! Points please!

G Sauce said...

I'm so proud!

Nat-Attack said...

You're welcome.


Candice said...

I usually have some form of a guess for your quotes, but I've been so off lately! Congrats on your followers :)


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