Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I coulda been a contender*

It's been a pretty rough month at work - at least from an HR perspective. So it's no surprise to me that I finally cracked. Well, actually, no matter how tough it gets I tend to keep a good perspective on things, it's rare that I let things get to me, though one or two days I had a bit of an attitude about it. Usually though when I crack it means that I fall into a laughing fit. In high school Algebra class we were talking about ellipsis and I started to laugh, I couldn't help it, the darn thing looks like a funky smiley on the lemonhead box. Yeah, lost points with the teacher that day, though she was a tough one not lose points with.

Anyway, point being, I have developed a new theory. It's been a while I know. For those of you who don't know we have the Buddy Syndrome, The Soda Pop Theory to name a few. I honestly can't recall right now, but I like to come up with these and haven't been coming up with them as of late. So here we go. Introducing The Silver Lining Syndrome. It's pretty simple, if you didn't laugh you would cry. We've all probably heard that before, and you must remember my theories and syndromes are things that are already naturally occurring.

So here's the background. You know a lot of famous people have bit the dust in the last month (more the last week but I am adjusting it for my purposes). So coworker behind me is saying how another one has died and a thought pops into my head. I instantly start laughing but decide not to share it. She eggs me on to share it so I stand up to tell her, but I keep laughing. Finally I say, "They're almost going as fast as they are here." Meaning the celebrities are dying off about as fast as people are quitting here. She says I'm terrible but is laughing. So I keep laughing and I am sitting here, laughing and crying (cause I'm laughing so hard). Coworker asks why we are laughing at something so terrible and I say, "It's the silver lining syndrome". When you have to find the good in the situation.


SB said...


And mine was from Talladega Nights. I've given up the point system though. You're my only reader that guesses, so consider yourself ultimate movie champ on my blog :)

The Hudsons said...

1954 Brando movie, On the Waterfront...also I'm unfamiliar with the soda pop theory...

Martha said...

Streetcar named Desire!

Martha said...

I constantly have the silver lining theory. My car alone caused me to laugh, just so I wouldn't

G Sauce said...

I like it!

Anonymous said...

waiting for next post


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