Friday, July 10, 2009

If only she had called me. If only I was listed.*

I was kind of bored this morning so I attempted to read up on current events. Sadly I am one of those people who is disconnected from the world. If I were into at least celebrity gossip then maybe I might be a tad more interesting. But you see, I don't find that stuff interesting. To me, current events are like science - there's no real correlation there except for in my head so don't hurt yourself thinking about it. When I study science and I come across a big word I can't pronounce it gets skimmed over and in the end, completely ignored. I block the word from my mind because it doesn't have a definition attached and I can't even say it so why bother? This is a flaw - possible learning disability for me. So when I start reading about stuff going on in the world and I come across issues that have a history longer than my DNA chain I skip over it. So I am left with half understanding and half opinions about topics - I want to be able to talk about this stuff, but at the same time, I don't care enough to read up on it.
So this morning was just another failed attempt. I read the headline about the San Andres fault giving off "mysterious vibrations" and that things might be progressing more quickly than originally thought. And that was about it, I decided I didn't really want to read up on current events so I never got to the first sentence of the article. All I have to say is Mur...get out and get out now. Come to Virginia. Cali is a lost cause, it's going to fall into the ocean, but Virginia is protected from such natural disasters...I worked it all out.
The only other thing I read was the headline that Stewart (as in Bella from Twilight) pregnancy rumors are denied. I clicked on that thinking I would be more interested. But the article came up and her picture with it, her half opened eyes picture and I said, "I'm Bella, I always look stoned." And closed it. The headline told me all I needed to know anyway...she's not pregnant.
At least I knew MJ died, I've got enough coming in to know that.
I think that if someone could just explain current events (and their respective histories) to me in layman's terms that I could get it...I'm going to work on that, on finding someone to help me with that.


SB said...

I don't watch the news because it's too depressing. I just wait until my fiance has watched and he fills me in on the important stuff and explains it all to me, especially the war stuff which I have no clue what half of it is, mostly because I don't care too much :) Although, I do read up on the celebrity gossip and fill in the fiance on that stuff. It's a good team work information sharing thing.

Isaac said...

Hello. From your newest follower. You've followed me for a while, thought I should make it mutual. By the way, I'm totally going to rock your blog bucks - I knew most of the ones as I went back through your entries to catch up. Take THAT!

G Sauce said...

I think Issac is stalking you now!

Martha said...

Isaac said he knows your movie quotes, but apparently not this one. Otherwise, he would be rocking the points now. ;)

Martha said...

The First Wives Club, btw.

Lildonbro said...

22 Followers....Happy Dance (kind of looks like the football touchdown dance but more movement of the feet).

Martha said...

You should video that dance and post it right here. I just can't picture it. ;)


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