Tuesday, May 20, 2008

1,2,3,4 - 1,2,3,4

Last night I waltzed. I’ve never really waltzed before, kind of strange. Luckily the guy I waltzed with was an excellent leader; I don’t think I could have done it otherwise. He told me that I could dance, all I needed was someone who knew how to lead and I said, “So, I’m screwed.” Not many guys around here can dance. But for FHE we’ve all been learning to dance, granted this is only week two. They want to do a little formal dancing activity at the end of the summer. So every Monday night after FHE we can stay after if we so choose and learn to dance. I stayed after last night because of where FHE was, it was a good 30-40 minute drive, so I was going to make the most of my travels and stay as long as possible. So when the small group of remaining individuals moved into the gym I followed, hoping to just sit on the stage and watch since there were obviously more girls than boys at this point. But the guy, Nic, in charge of teaching us all how to dance made me dance with him, possibly because I said something about how I couldn’t dance. So I stared at his feet a lot to see what I should do. After a while when I had it he tried to moved around the room rather than in an imaginary box, and that screwed me up. So we went back to the box and then he would try to slip in moving around the room. At one point he said that you just have to trust the person leading you, hoping they wouldn’t run you into other people or a wall, and while he spoke he was leading me towards a wall! But I’ll admit, it was fun, not so much running into a wall, but the dancing part. I’ve been practicing my “square” to see if I can get it down so that next Monday no matter who I dance with I should at least know which foot to start out with. Dancing is definitely something that is out of my comfort zone, but I figure I don’t really have much of one left at this point in my life, so why not overcome the last few things. Next I might actually be comfortable with boys, who knows, the possibilities are endless.


Sarah said...

way to go D! Dancing is great fun! And at least a waltz is a slow dance not a fast one. :)...and um...a waltz only has 3 beats, not 4...ok ok, so I'm a dance nerd.

LilDonbro said...


Cassie Rakes said...

Go for it gal, sounds like fun.


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