Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I'm an airhead

I don't know how well you can see this picture. I had to find a copy of it on the Internet because I couldn't scan and paste my copy for some reason. Probably because at work it automatically scans into PDF format...details. Anywho, if you click on the picture it should enlarge it.

So today I have plenty to do at work but no motivation to do it. That's when I normally take the time to check in to other people's blogs and catch up. The past two days have just been nonstop and I think my brain wants a little vacation...or maybe the tasks on my list bore me into a state of extreme demotivation. (Or if you want to be English dictionary approve - unmotivation...scratch that, neither of those words are apparently in the dictionary). Digression.

So in my state of brain inactivity I glanced over at my cubicle wall which is decorated with post-its from when friends have stopped by my desk and I wasn't there, a penguin, business cards, a bookmark, a pseudo birthday card from the President of the company (really it's from boss lady and she signed it from him and taped a quarter to the inside) and Dilbert comic strips ranging from before my employment here up until sometime before Christmas. I have them e-mailed to me and when one tickles my fancy I print it and put it up for all to know that my fancy was tickled. I looked at one strip though that I did not print or bring in, it was sent to me by my coworker who was not my coworker at the time but was before and is now (long story, the life of a temp turned permanent employee). She said she read it and thought of me. Here it is...
So...I've looked at it off and on for months now and I never quite got it. I just didn't see it as a funny - laugh out loud. I saw it more of a, "Hey, I have to check references too and I hate doing that." It didn't seem to have the Dilbert-sting. Then, today, as I sat here staring at my cubicle I read it once more, except this time my brain was working. I laughed, well, since I was all alone I smiled, but I got it. Then I beat myself on the head several times because I should have read it the right way the first time.

...You see, the clouds are Ted.


The Hudsons said...

I'm glad that you let me in on it because I had to reread it like five times before I got it...and I'm not going to lie once more after i figured it out.

Cassie Rakes said...

D, your hilarious I can't believe it took you months, it is pretty funny.

Lildonbro said...

Marianne's comment made me feel better....Cassie's not so much.

Thanks guys (One of you gets a sarcastic 'thanks' and the other a genuine 'thanks', I'll let you figure out who gets what).

Cassie Rakes said...

awwww, D, I know that genuine one is for me RIGHT!?

Lildonbro said...

Whatever helps you sleep at night :)


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