Friday, January 23, 2009

Life can be so randomly beautiful.

I'm bored.

I know that technically I am not allowed to say that because I have a list of things I can do and also because it is before 9:00 a.m. People aren't allowed to be bored until at least noon. I think that's because if you have nothing to do before noon then why in the world are you awake?

I was hoping that by beginning to blog with nothing to blog about that I would somehow, miraculously come up with an awesome theory or interesting topic but I don't really see that happening today.

Last night I hung out with Amber. She met me at Enrichment and then we went to Bailey Bridge to watch the boys play basketball. There is this guy Brad, who came late to watch our first basketball game and before he showed up we were winning, but when he got there we suddenly lost our lead and then began to lose the game. In the end we lost by about 5 or 6 points. After the game he mentioned this phenomenon and I told him that he was bad luck and therefore he was banned from the games. It didn't stop him though and he showed up to our next game. I approached him beforehand and told him that he wasn't allowed to be there because he was deemed our bad luck charm. He then corrected me and told me that he was only bad luck if he showed up late but he was on time. I told him that could work, but if we lost this game he was no longer allowed to come. We won the game so he is cleared to come on time to our games. If he is late he shouldn't bother.

With this in mind, Amber and I got to the game a little early (even though technically Brad owes me a game and I should have gone late so they would lose). They were ahead in the first few minutes of the game, but after that they lost their lead and never gained it back. It was an intense game to say the least, I think my anxiety was flaring up. And while I felt that they should lose a game to make up for the one we lost due to his tardiness I still felt bad. I don't actually want them to lose! I began to wonder if maybe I was their team's bad luck charm. Would I be banned?! Maybe it works the opposite with me, maybe I'm supposed to show up late and then they'll win. Every time they fell about 10-11 points behind they would start to gain on the other team, up until 4 or 5 points and then they would either maintain or the other team would start to make points. In the end...they lost by about 5-6 points (sound familiar? Because I just talked about how our first game we lost by about 5-6 points...remember that?).

After the game Amber and I practiced a little for our game tonight (crossing fingers, wish me luck, send money). Then we drove back to our side of town and ended up talking in the parking lot of the church until 1:00 a.m.! I talk too much, it's just a proven fact and I've made up my mind so there will be no debate on the issue. I mean seriously, look how long winded my blog is and for any of you who have hung out with me in person you know how it is. Random thoughts in quick succession, quickly trailing off until I can't remember why I started talking in the first place. But I don't regret staying up so late, in fact I went to bed later (cause I had to drive home and all) and woke up the earliest I had all week. Well rested? Not so much, but I didn't have the usual complications and constant snooze button tapping that I have had all week.

*Sigh* My apologies. But that's life right now. It's little random things that come together equaling happy and content for me but a little dry on the river of exciting news for my readers. And I am happy, I'm the happiest I've been in a while, at least the most content I've been in a while (I'm still playing around with the distinct differences of happy and content). Life is in a good place right now even if I don't have any money or a boyfriend, or had to skip breakfast this morning because despite waking up on time I took too long getting ready (and checking e-mail). Never fear, I have a pack of crackers to tide me over until lunch.

1 comment:

Amber Lanae- said...

Its because I deleted it...It was too long and it was kind of a rant. Sorry friend...I'll post somethin when I get out of class!


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