Tuesday, April 28, 2009

10 Years!! ...Not for the Weak.

Some people blog about how long they have been married, their children's birthdays, the cool things that they have done, etc. I am going to blog about the longest commitment I have ever made. This day, ten years ago, I committed to no longer eat chocolate.

In honor of this momentous occasion I have decided to present you with the ten things of chocolate goodness that I used to adore (and now remember as vaguely as my first love).

#1 Chocolate-Chocolate Chip Cookies - This has to be number one because it is the chocolate-chocolate chip cookie that got me into trouble. I was eating one of these when the dare was issued. And to be honest, I don't even remember what these taste like. Kind of sad in a way.

#2 Cookies and Cream Ice Cream - Because if I didn't feel obligated to name Chocolate-Chocolate chip cookies as number one this would have been the winner.

#3 Cadbury Creme Eggs - We're talking good memories here! I have to admit that holidays just aren't the same when you don't eat chocolate (Not that I'm going to start, look at my list - I would gain 300 pounds in a week if I started to eat chocolate again). But these take me back to my childhood. Sticky fingers from melting chocolate in one hand as my pointer finger from the other scooped out the goods. Sweet, sticky messiness.

#4 Reese's Peanut Butter Cups - Nuff said.

#5 Fudge - Chocolate so rich it tickles your mouth.

#6 The Entenmann's chocolate covered doughnut.

#7 Oreos - and that's how I used to eat them too (oh if only mom had let me). Thank goodness for Golden Oreos...and I actually like them better than anything chocolate.

#8 Butterfingers - I think I loved the way to eat them more than anything. Pick off all of the chocolate with your teeth, and then (with your teeth again) pick off a layer at a time of the crispy peanut butter.

#9 The Thin Mint - Mint and chocolate, and they were crunchy. So good. I have actually found a replacement for these. I make brown sugar cookies and then I add in Andies Peppermint Chips (no chocolate). The taste reminds me of them (may be off a little) and I love them!

#10 Brownies a la Mode - Come on...ice cream and chewy brownie...together? What's not to like? And yet I haven't partaken in ten years.

That' s my list! I hope you all survived, I admit it probably wasn't nice of me to throw in the visuals. Sorry about that - but for the first 2 years it wasn't nice for anyone to eat chocolate. Karma.
I get by with my none chocolate things though (thank goodness). Thanks to everyone who has looked out for me and shame on all of you who have tried to trip me up. I know this post was probably the most boring thing I have ever posted, so thanks for hanging in there to this point.


SB said...

um...does white chocolate not count? or was your white chocolate post around Easter time just a joke and you really didn't want people to send it to you? I can't imagine life without chocolate...you're strong.

Lildonbro said...

According to the FDA white chocolate is not chocolate. In order for something to be chocolate it must contain chocolate liquor. :) Yeah, I've had to look this up before.

Aunt_B said...

First off...I'm am SO IN LOVE with that baby sleeping with his bottle in his mouth!!

You are a stong woman, let me tell ya! Someone actually dared you NOT to eat chocolate, like ever again?? I think I might give up sex first. Yeah, I think I would. Cuz nothin can come between me and my Thrift's Chocolate Malted Crunch ice cream. Well, except for my big ass that is. And I don't eat it often because I will straight up eat the entire 1/2 gallon by myself. I used to tell my kids that it was coffee-raisin-nut flavored just so they wouldn't get into it. Have I mentioned yet that I'm not right?

G Sauce said...

Let me say that I fully support not doing some for the purpose of a dare. Also if you ever do decide to partake of the chocolate just be warned that you will be sick, or get a headache or throw it up. So just keep that in mind in the future. With that being said...holy crap I use to eat Cookies and Cream ice cream but alas I do not anymore. (you know why) It is sad. May your abstinence continue and if I ever have a chance I would like to meet that whom dared you!!!

AuntKatween said...

OH man Jess!!! I feel your pain! I have been on my "diet" for 4 years now. I miss some of the same things! PB cups, Cadburry eggs, Entemann's donut, butterfingers!!!!! AGH!! I will indulge in Joanna's choc chip cookies. Never been big on the choc-choc chip and I will indulge in cookies and cream ice cream! Good job to you though!! You stayed strong!

The Ottley's said...

I LOVE you!! When you coming to Washington?

The Hudsons said...

Happy anniversary! And just so you know I have the most delicious looking chocolate cake sitting in my kitchen...unfortunately it doesn't taste as incredible as it loks...stupid cake.

The Kindle Family said...

I LOVE the chocolate covered entemenns(sp?) donuts! They are great! But I have given them up too!

Joanna & Ben said...

Okay, now give up crack.

Lildonbro said...

Yes, BEN, but if I gave up the crack my blogs wouldn't nearly as interesting. :P


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