Friday, April 10, 2009

NO ONE ELSE works on Good Friday

Just in case you were wondering, I am sitting in the office bored out of my mind. I am working, but bored. I am scanning and if you've ever scanned large amounts of documentation then you are well aware that scanning only involves a whopping .0064% of your brain power. If you don't

do something to off set the lack of brain power there could be horrible ramifications, such as a lack of oxygen to the brain cells and an inability to function past 11 o'clock in the morning. I am fighting the "I'd rather slice my eyes apart while in the socket with a piece of paper" feeling and a subsequent, highly unattractive, facial tick.

This leads to the fact that I have nothing to blog about, but I must blog for sanity's sake.

So here's your story for the day. It's a tale told by an airhead, full of sound and dullness, signifying nothing (50 blog bucks to the first person who can tell me where that came from...granted it's a variation of course, which is why the price is so high. Come on people 50 BBs (which of course are like the points in "Who's Line Is It Anyway" - they have no real worth)). Where was I? Oh yeah, my story.

So at work I am in charge of the "resume" inbox. I get first view of every resume sent in for possible job openings. I don't really care for them, I barely skim them, and today I don't even want to print them out. It doesn't help that I don't have a boss or anyone to turn them over to so why print them? Where will they go? Nowhere that's where. So today I rebelled. I refuse to print out the one resume I have in that inbox. But just so I won't completely forget it's there I set it up in Outlook so that it looks like there is a new message. What I didn't anticipate was the fact that on slow days I get really excited to see the blue (1) next to the "inbox". Therefore, without thinking I go to click on the "inbox" and then the message I have been trying to preserve becomes "read" rather than "unread". So I set it to be "unread"...again, and then twenty minutes later fall for it...again. I'm trying not to look at my Outlook so that I won't be duped anymore.

Wait...hold the phone, another story for you. As I said in my title no one works on Good Friday. Which means that the underwriters in the company don't have brokers to talk to, which in turn means that they are sitting at work with nothing to do (nice to know I'm not alone). My prediction was that while they had nothing "productive" to do they would start noticing things. They might find that the water in the bathroom doesn't warm up fast enough, that something is wrong with their chair...they might decide to finally look at their pay stub, or to change their tax amount. All of these lead to them calling, e-mailing, or dropping by the department. It's all fine and good, I don't mind helping people, but we get bombarded at times like these, because people forget that you might have something to do (and as it turns out, I's just boring).

I was standing at the front desk today, talking to my friend and I noticed one of the underwriters come out and stand by the elevators. Our lobby has four elevators, I've written about them before. <- that's a link. Anywho, he gets on the elevator to the left and it closes and takes him away, and five minutes later he is getting off the elevator on the right. He probably just forgot something and had to turn around and go get it, but I would rather think that he was just that bored. Or perhaps was honing is magician skills. Either one works for me.

Oh and just to prove my point, I've already had someone come and ask where they can get a new W-4 form. Let the games begin.


SB said...

oh I love the workday boredom. at least you get to blog while working! I feel bad for the people that can't access the pages they want at government workers. what sad sad lives they must lead.

Aunt_B said...

Ok, I just woke up (yes, it's 10am, but I'm one of those people who don't work today) I've only had half a cup of cofee and this post made me laugh till I cried!! Ok, well I didn't actually cry, but I did tear up. That's saying something too!

Martha said...

I'm working. Tomorrow, too

Jenny Jerkface said...

I had to work yesterday, too. It involved lots of games of Scramble and a few walks 'around the block' which is what my coworkers and I do when we're bored shitless.

Oh, and the inbox thing? You're not the only one that does that. I mean, I know the damn email is there, I marked it unread. And I still check it. Sigh.


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