Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I wish that I could give you an emotional Heimlich so that you could cough up that wad of fear and anxiety.*

So I am learning French. Last Saturday I bought a two disc "Learn French on the Go" thing. It's been interesting so far. I listened to it a little on Saturday night and could say "Thank you very much", "Three", "It's Six O'clock" and "Nice to meet you" (don't ask me to say them now there's only so much retention this girl has). Today I learned some colors and bathroom supplies and clothing (my favorite being "T-shirt" because it's the same as in English but with a little spunk...and a 'le' ("Because it's the same in every country", "That's beautiful"*). The hardest part I can see coming would be the darn breakfast foods, and I love breakfast food. But they are so difficult to say in French. Everything else is at least said and I can kind of mimic it (though I may be way off and saying something thing I have learned, enunciate in French, otherwise you're not speaking French, you're just trying to pass it off like you are). With breakfast food I am lost, I try to copy the guy on the CD but nothing, I just mumble and hope he doesn't notice....oh wait...he doesn't.

I remember the words that I do because I associate them with English words. Yellow is said somewhat like 'June' and white is kinda like "blanch". The end of six o'clock sounds like "Ceasar" (That's not what Rome is about. We should totally just stab Ceasar!* (I've got to stop). My personal favorite "It's here" sounds like "L.A. Law" but more like "E Lay Laww".

*Scratching top of head* My point, my point, oh....E Lay Laww. On this CD they sing everything. First it was kind of annoying, but the scary part is that this is only the second time I am listening to it and I find myself singing along. Then when I am not in the car I am singing it in my head...which would be cool if I were singing the French parts, but of course the only parts I can remember are the English parts...getting there I guess. I just don't know when I am going to be able to tell someone that I am wearing a white t-shirt or have them ask me the time right at 6 o'clock so that I can tell them in French.


Martha said...


Martha said...

And tell them you watch E Lay Law

SB said...

same in every country and stabbing ceasar are both from mean girls...I could tell you exactly when they say it and in what context, would I get extra credit? Love that movie!

I attempted to learn sign language...I can do a few letters and I can sign Jesus Loves Me. that's about it. Good luck with the French!


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