Monday, September 21, 2009

So strong, like Sodom and Gomorrah*

Saturday Elaina and I went to the Field Day of the Past (As you can tell by font size and bolding that was said in a big, booming voice).

Here is what I thought it would be. A small gathering of people interested in learning how to do cool things like...make wooden spoons, possibly candles too, you know, fun things from colonial times. I guess I thought this because, well, first because Elaina said we could make spoons, and so from there I ventured to assume because we were in Virginia that it would turn out to be something like that. If I had known the event was in Oilville, Virginia I may have assumed otherwise...if I had known we would not be making spoons I would have assumed otherwise.

So we get there, well, we get close to there and hit traffic. This event is more popular than I thought it would be. We pass the parking lot for horse trailers and something else...should have tipped me off but I'm still thinking we'll have a Williamsburgy adventure. Before we get to the entrance Elaina turns to me and says, "Oh yeah, my friend said that there might be a lot of rednecks here."

...that information would have been more useful to me yesterday!* So we are trapped, almost in a contract with the traffic flow. We enter the "parking lot" which is a green field of grass and we trudge on through. We find a spot and start walking through tall, stiff grass with grasshoppers flying at us like kamikaze pilots. We opt to walk because there is a huge line of people waiting to ride trailers to the entrance. We pay our $10 and we enter in. The first thing we see is what we think is a construction site, which I thought was odd that they would have one beyond the entrance to the event. As we get closer we see that there are benches set up to watch the construction vehicles. Then there are Mack Trucks lined up on the other side. Elaina and I wander around for some time and I get the distinct feeling that we paid $10 to spend more money within. We got some "country cooking" for lunch which really slowed us down for a while. In reality it was not that retrospect we had a really good time.

It wasn't until the end that Elaina said, "We never even got to see the spoon making demonstration." Demonstration?? Yeah, I gave her a hard time about that one. She said we could make spoons and it was all farce! Anyway-Highlights:

*We got to use a hi-tech sanitation station
*I heckled a ventriloquist dummy.

See how he cries out in pain? His name is Victor. He ran away from home (the tent across the way). After a short conversation someone in the tent called me out on giving Victor (or Vicky*) a hard time so we moved on.

*We feed alpacas

*We were groupies to some 80 year old country singers, who called us out when we finally left. They were singing a song about a girl leaving to marry the best friend instead...maybe the wrong song to leave over. The one of the left said, "We lost them, there they go."

Sorry guys!

*Elaina had her first moonpie

That one was on Elaina's camera...

*And we saw a tractor pull (though we still don't get it)

We still don't really get it.
We'll leave out the mechanical bull, my mind is still scarred from that one. The best part was that just as I was ready to beg for mercy and get out of the place we realized we had walked around the whole thing and were back where we started, ready to begin our trek to the car.


Martha said...

Did you take Jake to sit on the bench and watch the construction?

Elaina said...

best day EVER! i was telling a bartender at work about this (and i guess i tell him stories a lot... even though i don't remember ever telling him anything before) and he said HOW DO YOU GET PEOPLE TO DO THIS STUFF WITH YOU?!? and i said uhmm well i kind of lie to them. ::hahaha:: but it turned out ok... we didn't die. the most confusing thing now is that song she thinks my tractors sexy. b/c uhmm who would ever think that?!? i particularly enjoy my 8 billions pictures with mater. i will get mine up soon!

The Hudsons said...

Title is from America's Sweethearts...oh how I heart John Cusack. It's like you titled it just for me.

The Ottley's said...

If you didn't buy that monkey mask in your header... I will kick you! :)


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