Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Watches are a confidence trick invented by the Swiss. *

Several people I know have been in list making moods lately. Let's just saying it's contagious.

Things I like
-Candy Cane Hershey Kisses
-Psych (TV show)
-Making others laugh
-Sticking my hand out the window while I'm driving
-Staying in bed when it's snowing outside (doesn't happen often here)
-Taco Salad
-Books (the way they feel, smell, etc. and sometimes the insides are good too)
-Movies (mostly owning, but also watching them)
-Netflix - best thing that ever happened to me...well, on the list of best things, somewhere
-Holding hands (mostly just boys)
-Good conversations (intellectual, silly/funny, any kind as long as it's good)
-The way my nephews say my name
-Vacuums (seriously, they suck things bugs)
-Institute class
-Getting letters
-School/office supplies
-5 o'clock
-Learning something new and having the light bulb moment
-Playing basketball (mostly when I play with the boys and I give them a reason to compliment my playing)

Things I don't like
-Planning events
-Waiting in lines
-Getting stuck behind someone driving under the speed limit
-Spiders (includes their webs)
-Walking through a spider web
-Having to say 'no' to people
-The Twilight Movie
-Accidentally drinking sour milk
-Having someone yell at me (been a while)
-Dropping things I'm looking forward too (i.e. my dinner plate or bowl of cereal).
-Getting asked out on a date
-Asking for help
-Having to pity laugh (you know, when the person is awkward but you know they are trying to be funny so you laugh).
-Waking up early
-Bossy people
-Shopping (with other people...sad I know, but most people are leisure shoppers and I prefer to speed up the process)
-Squirrels and all their shenanigans

That's kind of it, I was hoping it would kill more time...but I was wrong. Le sigh.


G Sauce said...

Hey I was wondering if you would like to come over tonight and watch Twilight?

SB said...

I love to plan events...if you lived on the west coast I'd offer to plan for you :)

Martha said...

I almost wrote "le sigh" on my comment on Katie's blog but opted to leave out the "le." Your picture at the top of your blog made me laugh so hard I almost peed!


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