Sunday, January 31, 2010
Oh please shut up, you're wounding my soul.*
But at the same time, I couldn't leave. So I started to doodle on my paper. The first drawing really creeped me out. The second made me think that maybe I could write a very interesting children's story. I mean, I can't hack it as a "real" writer...not that people who write children's books aren't real writers, in fact I think it is harder then writing a novel or anything so really I feel like I put my foot in my mouth and I've written too much to delete it all and start over so I'll just deal with that. Writer's of the world, you amaze me whether you write children's books, chapter books, novels, non fiction, and the list goes on and on. Anyway. Whatever. All I wanted to do was to show you my doodles because they are interesting to me and they made me think that Tim Burton would use characters like them in one of his movies. Tim - if you happen to read my blog, we should talk. Just leave your contact info in the comments section.
I've named them too. Snifflesworth and Buckmeyer. The original had a name when I drew her, but I have forgotten. She would likely be the leader. Don't let them fool you, they aren't as stupid as they look, in fact they are relatively intelligent, though their boss lady is the brains of the operation and she's the one with the conniving gene.
Maybe I will work on the story or at least just think about it a little more.
P.S. I got my wish and I was snowed in yesterday and today.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
You'll get some road work done while you wait.*
It's funny, we are four games into the season, I get injured but find myself feeling pretty excited for the rest of the season. I'm weird like that.
Friday, January 29, 2010
They blend into the pavement.*
Today marks the end of the longest week of my life. I can't tell you how much I've wished for Friday to come, but in all reality I am wishing for some other Friday. Some Friday where it actually marks the end of the "busy season". I don't know when this happened, when all of a sudden every night I had something I have to do. I've been trying to think where I can "cut back" but in all honesty, I don't see where that is. This coming Monday starts my PHR class (Professional in Human Resources), that will go from 6-9...bye bye Mondays. Tuesday nights I have Institute, which I thoroughly enjoy and honestly need in my life. Wednesday nights I'll be doing visits for my calling which take up a good hour to two hours sometimes. Thursday nights are either basketball games or basketball practice, Friday nights are usually games - but hopefully soon they will translate into a night I can spend at home (yes, a single girl wishing for a Friday night home alone...that's how bad it is right now). Saturdays are always full, even when I think I've got them open I suddenly find myself Saturday evening not having gotten a thing done that I needed to...not because I sit around on my duff either, because trust me, I've written that on the "to do" list.
I guess I'm just stressed. I like to spend time alone, at home, and wasn't able to do it this week so it gets to me. I haven't even been able to fold my laundry and put it away. My room is a mess, and that kind of makes me a mess. And I ran over a cat the other day too! This would be the first animal that I've run over...oh wait...just to clear it up, I had no part in the death, the thing was already dead, but hadn't been for long. It was just as bad as if I had been the first to hit it. That kind of stuff can stay with a person. It's supposed to snow here...a lot, and I have to be honest, I almost hope that it does because then I will be able to stay at home and get some stuff done! When it snows like that in Virginia it's like the whole state shuts down, any and all plans you had are canceled, and I'm okay with that.
In other news, I just faxed in my employment verification from the mortgage company. Ah the joys of HR, I get that incredibly awkward moment where they sent the verification for me. I fill these things out for people all the time - this time it was for me. I'm sure they frown upon me doing my own request so I had Wanda fill it out. However, she made me call and ask them to send it again because we messed up on the form. So I called and was about to say who I was and then thought how odd it would be for me to state my name, then tell her I needed her to send the verification request for me again. So instead she picks up the phone, states her name and I say, "Hello, hey, um (the 'um' is for when in my mind I say, "This is Jessica"), yeah, let me start over." So I was completely rude in that I never said who I was just whose verification I needed them to fax to me again (which, in case you didn't follow, was my own). I tried to make up for it with a cheerful "Thank you" but who knows if it worked. All I can say is that was interesting.
Also, the appraiser has gone to the house and said that there wouldn't be a problem appraising it for the contract amount (which I was worried about). It doesn't mean it is all in the clear, but it's definitely good. I'm inching closer and closer everyday.
Monday, January 25, 2010
I'm sorry, the wind caught it*
Friday, January 22, 2010
Ew, Dandelion, must be the last one of the season.*
As I was walking the green mile of the office, I tried my darnedest to avoid making this socially noxious noise. It inadvertently led to the sucking in of my stomach. This got my mind wondering why if it is possible to suck in my stomach why can't I suck in my thighs?? And as I thought about this the swooshing seemed to fade away and for a moment I foolishly believed that it was possible to suck my thighs in. When what really happened was that the intensity of thought caused me to decrease my speed to that of a tortoise. With the decreased speed came decreased friction, and the false sense of a fading swoosh. Sadly, I am left to roam the halls wishing I was bowlegged.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I'd better not hear of anyone touching your squeakers.*
Monday, January 18, 2010
A brief shining moment, and then that mouth.*
Other things this weekend: I made an offer on a house (duh, it was the last post). They made a counter offer, we made some ratifications to their counter offer, and right now, we all agree. The home inspection will be done tomorrow as well as a visit to the loan guy.
My mom's fish died. Well, we're not exactly sure when it could have been yesterday, it could have been weeks ago. Whenever we think he is dead he moves. Joanna said we probably just saw him moving in the current and assumed he was alive. I always thought he was dead, at one time I thought they had flushed him but left an empty tank, until my sister pointed out that he was still in there. Yesterday he looked a little like a color drained Chester Cheetah (sunglasses mostly). As pictured below.
Uncanny. And yes, I took a picture of a dead fish, and when my brother gave me grief about it I told him that I am a famous blogger now, I have 32 followers and they probably want to know my adventures with dead fish. Right?
My roommate threw me a surprise party on Saturday night. She got Elaina to 'distract' me, so we went to look at the house and then drive all over town. Elaina even got her GPS to say it was taking us to a nearby Wendy's, when really it was leading us further and further away from home. I don't know how she did it, but she did. We didn't actually follow the GPS once it made us pass Broad street (the main drag), and then it said we were at Wendy's but there wasn't one in sight. I already picked up by this point that something was going on. I picked up on it when I got home and let my dog out and saw Double Stuffed Golden Oreos, a pack of candles, and a bag of balloons. But I played as though I hadn't seen them. I didn't give Elaina as much slack. We pulled into the driveway and I asked her if she had been paid to distract me, she laughed nervously and said, "What? Never?" She's not a good liar, but I've never called her on a lie before so I couldn't call her on it with any degree of certainty, that is until we got out of the car and she started for the front door (the back one goes right into my room). I said, "See you later", she sounded dejected and I said, "Oh, were you supposed to try to get me to go through the front door?" I got the same laugh and I'm pretty certain a "What? Never" again. We got in and I looked up into the kitchen and Jim was watching us from behind the fridge (creepy), but that didn't give anything away, I had invited people to come over and watch movies (I had no idea I was playing right into Anne's hands). So he came down and said something about the movie. Then Anne called me upstairs for something (that's unusual). So I finally went upstairs and everyone yelled "Surprise!" And it was a lot of fun. Here are some pictures from my birthday celebrations throughout the week.
You one celled paramecium brain*
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Women my age are doing geritol and fixodent commercials.*
Okay folks, I need prayers, crossed Tomorrow we are going to try and see a house on...wait for it...Pennsylvania Avenue. The Obama's could totally be my neighbors...but...I wouldn't actually want that, so it's a good thing it's a different PA Ave. This house puts the other super cute house to shame, especially because it's cute all the way around without a steep stairwell and has a separate room for the washer and dryer. But I will not get my hopes up, I just know what I will be wishing for tonight when I blow the candles out.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
"N.Y." "What's that mean?" "No Way".*
We really could have had something. I was blinded by your adorableness and ignored the small closets, but I could not ignore the mounting list of expenses that all seemed to turn into things that I would need to do immediately. Don't get me wrong, I had a fine time ignoring them, that is until your realtor tried to trick me into purchasing you quicker then I would like. It's only been two weeks that we have been together, I will not be pressured into anything, I'm sorry. The so called "contract" that you are under, if your realtor wants to play games and suddenly say that someone else wants to buy you when there wasn't any competition less then a week ago, that's fine. Tell him I don't play these games and while I'm competitive, I am not competitive with two things - boys and houses. If someone else stakes a claim, I usually back down. Suddenly I realized that I am not in love, your stairwell is too narrow, your rooms are far too small and your dishwasher is fugly.
Lil D
Well folks. As you have probably guessed, super cute yellow house is out. When I think about it now there was really too much work, especially considering the asking price. Both times I walked through I was making a mental list of things that needed to be done or things I wanted to do, and tried to order them from "Must be done" to "Can wait until I make more money." I was still in love with the house, but on Sunday I got a call from Realtor Carol saying she got the estimate for the heating work but now the other realtor was saying he had two offers on the table so I should send him mine. Excuse you? I will not be rushed into this. She had her suspicions and I had mine and suddenly that list of expenses seemed ridiculous. I needed to fence in the backyard, change out the dishwasher before it released some kind of dangerous spore into the air, build a deck with a wide staircase just to get furniture to the "third bedroom", that's not including getting the new heating system installed. Plus, there really were no closets, and no storage I would have to buy some sort of storage unit for the backyard to store all of our usual "attic" things. Having "two offers" on the table cleared my mind. Yesterday I started to look at other houses and found another one that might be better, it has three bedrooms but still has it's attic. Already I'm coming ahead in the storage department. It also already has a fenced in yard. Anyway, we're going to go see that one on Thursday and I'll fill you in then. I won't even post a picture because that gets me too, I'm sure it's got a sweeter spirit then the above mentioned house...translation, it's just not as cute. I'm hoping it's like that one house I saw at Christmas time with the big sign on the outside, "I'm beautiful inside!" But if not, we keep looking. I'll let you know.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Why would I joke about hemophilia?*
Saturday morning I had my fourth round of Driving Improvement School...never been? You should do all in your power to correct that. You can volunteer for the course, if you have any negative points on your driver's license this can help that, or if you want to bring your insurance down, you can check with your agent about that. But really, if you aren't ordered to by the court, DMV, or your insurance agent then don't bother. I was originally signed up to take the course on December 19th, but we had that snow and the whole state shut down. When I called to reschedule, the 9th was the only day available on this side of town. That resulted in two classes being rolled into one...very cramped. However, one good thing came out of that, it meant that we didn't have to take the test, there just wasn't enough time for him to get through all the material, we take the test, he grade them, write up our certificates, and get out by 5 o'clock. Fine by me, I hate tests and I could hardly understand him when he was talking, he said something about the dentist and judging by the tissue he clung to the entire day I am guessing he had a cold too. After lunch he was more stuffy then before and I lost all hope of knowing most of what he said. We spent the first hour and half paying and getting to know each other, then it was like a driving Q&A session until lunch, he gave us a little longer on lunch then usual and when we got back we were right back into the Q&A. We watched some videos (one being a Disney cartoon about driving), then we spent the last hour of class discussing drinking and driving. Finally he let us go. Luckily for me my class was at the hotel right behind the place we were having our work party. I got out of the class around 4:50 and I needed to be at the place at 5:30. So I just went right over and changed in the bathroom, put on my face, tried to straighten my hair (but that was a no go) and met up with my sister, Kathryn, for the party.
I have to say, I really liked having my sister there, I was immediately more comfortable then the year before. It also helped that we were at The Place, rather than the Jefferson, because I actually know most of the people working at The Place (that's what it is called - The Place). Kathryn and I had a lot of fun playing blackjack and craps, we made a new best friend who told us what to do at the craps table and helped us to "win big" (pretty much, we won a lot of little chips, never got a big one). People kept thinking we were getting pictures together so we got plenty of the two of us. Since my brother-in-law was one of the chefs working the event, but no one else knew it, we told two of the ladies from my work that my sister thought he was cute but was too nervous to talk to him. They both volunteered to go get his number. The first one we ended up telling her right away that Kathryn and him were married. The other one we let it go for our own personal amusement. We finally told her by the end of the night, mostly when she said that she had talked to him and found out he was a Cowboys fan...that's when we knew she hadn't talked to Mike...she had the wrong chef, she was talking to Nick. So now Kathryn and I joke that I have a new brother-in-law, Nick. Farewell Mike, you were a good brother-in-law. Anyway, long post short, below are pictures from the evening. I only picked out a few (we took over 100) and I put them in a slide show so that this wouldn't be an even longer post. Enjoy.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Today I didn't even try to think of things I could do to work out so early in the morning and so cold that I felt certain that even inside I would be able to see my breath. Today I tried to go back to sleep. I told myself that playing basketball tonight counts as working out, so there's no need to do it twice in one day. I eventually got myself back to sleep, but when I woke up again I wished I had the gusto to do more.
It's like, a week ago, I was hanging out with my friend, Mike. I told him that one of my New Year's resolutions was to be less lazy (note: not more productive, just less lazy than I am). He smiled and said, "No one keeps New Years resolutions." I smiled back, and then stopped smiling because there were a couple meanings there. I could twist his words in so many directions that I didn't even know where to start. First reaction - "You calling me lazy?!" Second - did he just not believe that I could do it? Am I lazy passed the point of no return? And he, a friend of not even a year has already noticed it? I don't know how he meant it, because it's not like I needed the comfort of knowing that no one keeps their resolutions, it was the beginning of the year. Even a sarcastic, "good luck with that" would have been better. Then we get to mornings like yesterday and today where I get up early, like I wanted, but stay in bed and I think, "He's right, we're 7 days in to 2010 and he's already right." My only comfort is that by waking up at these forsaken hours is less lazy then I was in - in your face!
Maybe this week will be waking up early, and next week will be getting out of bed early...because I have learned that there is a difference.
In other news, my dad got back to me with some estimates and I think I am ready to talk offers with Realtor Carol. I called her on my lunch break but she was with clients...other clients? It's like finding out you aren't the only girl in some guy's life. Hit to the stomach. She said she would call me later today to discuss. And that's your daily update on that.
Addendum: I just looked over to the side and realized I have 30 followers. Hallelujah!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Alright, one more kiss you maniac.*
Unfortunately it is that article added to yesterday when I read about a 14-year old girl in the Maryland area who got hit by an Amtrak train and died. Maybe you seasoned current events people can tell me, if I am going to start reading up on current events, is there anything positive or upbeat to read?
P.S. today is the second day in a row that I'm grateful I keep a stick of D.O. at my workstation...disaster avoided.
I had to conduct an interview yesterday. This would be my second time. Boss Lady was sick and e-mailed me saying that she would be out of the office and I needed to do the thank you. So for the whole morning I spent my time developing an ulcer, waiting for the 1 o'clock interview. I wrote up the questions that I asked in the last interview and went in with that, not foreseeing one little problem. The last time I did an interview I only had to last 15-20 minutes, this time I had to last 45. I lasted about as long as the first interview (15-20 minutes - in case you forgot already), and then he told me about his skiing trip this weekend with his brother. I need to come up with more questions to ask. It's difficult when the person has no experience for the position they are applying for (because it's an entry level position), their experience doesn't relate to what they are interviewing for and even if it did it's not really stuff I understand. work related goal, learn more about underwriting.
After the interview I finally took "lunch" (I didn't get to eat lunch though). I met my Dad and Realtor Carol at the house again...this house.
It's smaller then I remember, I think the reason I noticed it this time is because I was thinking about the girls who said that they would live with me. So when I noticed barely any closet space I wondered if they would be okay with that. Will the promise of being able to paint their room be enough for them to still want to live with me? I hope so. I mean, I've lived without a closet for four years - I've made it work. Anyway, Dad brought the HVAC guy to quote the heating system, there's some work to be done yet, and I'm wondering how I will be able to afford it all, but I'll find a way I suppose, if it's meant to be. Realtor Carol is going to check on a few items with the other realtor and Dad is going to get the quotes and then we'll move from there. I still like this house, so keep your fingers crossed for me!
Monday, January 4, 2010
You remind me of someone, it's probably you.*
You're probably wondering where all of this is coming from. I am deep cleaning my room, and yes, I've taken a break to blog about it. I found my lock from grades 6-12, I don't know why I kept it, but I did. So I picked it up, said the combination in my head and then tested it out and walla, it opened. I remember my locker combination, but not all of my friends. Obviously we weren't close, and even more obviously my lock and I were. I mean, seven years together is quite the commitment...but eight years apart and still remember the combination is very impressive.
On that train of thought, I also found some old scrapbooks (yeah, I used to scrapbook and I probably still should, but I think having a digital camera pretty much cut off the desire to scrapbook (and let's add Facebook to that mix...and a blog, and shutterfly). Anyway, my first scrapbooks were mostly just letters and cards from friends and a few pictures scattered here and there. I'm looking for one picture in particular for Amber because she didn't know that I had gotten second degree burns on my feet. So I was looking for the picture from the physical therapy room in the hospital. The room that a few of my friends probably remember too as they went with me to the hospital and kept me company while my feet soaked (thank you again all of you fantastic friends).
I forgot where I was going with this and I really should get back to cleaning. But boy am I glad for those scrapbooks because I would have forgotten a lot of that stuff (like the letter Mur wrote me when I graduated college, what my niece looked like before she finally got some hair, and how much fun I actually had over the past couple of years).
P.S. you can bet I'll still be keeping that lock, I mean, if I remember the combo that's impressive, and a sign that we belong together.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Is There A Problem Officer?*
I brought in the New Year with the church choir. A group of us went to Dave and Buster's for New Year's Eve dinner. Elaina works at Dave and Buster's and I don't know if we got any special treatment due to this, other than the entire staff stopping in to harass Elaina and mess up her order for kicks and giggles. At one point one of them asked Elaina if this was the youth group from church and as I recall her response was that it was the choir. So, I didn't actually go out with the choir, but I did.
After dinner we all went to Brianna's house. Elaina and Jim rode with me and Ronnie followed...unfortunately I still haven't gotten that tire fixed, so with the doughnut on the car I didn't take the interstate, rather we cruised the main drag (Broad) all the way to Brianna's house. It only took three times the amount of time it would have taken if we had taken 64. And if we had taken 64 then Jim wouldn't have been able to yell to the locals that he wasn't wearing pants (which he did yell, and he was wearing pants). That changed their yells of "Happy New Year" to "F-you" with the finger in the air. I kept trying to roll his window back up but he held his finger on the button so it stayed open. I thought, this is it, this is the moment I get shot at downtown.
We finally get to Brianna's and we pull out the game Balderdash, which was lying on the floor. The main reason - karaoke. I don't do karaoke, nor do I enjoy others taking a shot at it. Unless they are amazingly good at it or drunk there is no enjoyment in the activity (for me). It's more like watching tryouts for American Idol (another thing I can't do), painful in every way. Everyone else in the room was preparing to sing their hearts out with the karaoke machine. No thanks. So a group of 5 of us played the game instead.
We turned on the television a few minutes to midnight and I swear it's the fastest midnight has ever come. I can't recall three minutes counting down so quickly in all my life. We hung out for a little longer and then headed home. I got home and crashed, I was exhausted. When I woke up on Friday morning I was sick as a dawg (ha! I was rereading this and realized that I put "dawg" when I should have put "dog" but I love the mistake so much I'm leaving it). I took some medicine and went back to bed, I woke up every couple of hours to get some fluids in me and take more medicine. I slept all the way until 3:30 in the afternoon and then I lay there in bed for a few hours more. Turns out I had the New Year's Flu (I don't know what it is, but I feel better if it has a name). I went until 9:30 when I realized I was hungry, so I ordered a pizza (big mistake by the way, don't eat pizza when you don't feel well). The pizza guy came as quickly as midnight did the night before. I went to the door, he gave me the pizza and dropped a broken dog biscuit on the box and said, "That's for your dog." He gave a little smile and left while I sat there with a slightly mumbled 'thank you' escaping my lips. It completely threw me, but not for long. I tossed the biscuit to Chubbs who decided to hold out and see if he could get any pizza, then gave up and ate the bone.